Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Lord Said to me today:

The Lord Said to me today, "Indoctrination is often disguised as entertainment but true enlightenment comes from the Lord. So, if you turn off the entertainment you will be able to hear my voice and to think the way I want you to think!" Which is the way I want to think!

So, turn off the entertainment today and hear the voice of the Lord and think the way you want to think instead of how the world tells you to think through the disguised indoctrination of entertainment.

Jer 33:3 Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

God is Not Surprised!

God is Not Surprised!

God is Not Surprised!
  • Before Stephen Hawking
  • Before Carl Sagan
  • Before Richard Feynman
  • Before Albert Einstein
  • Before Enrico Fermi
  • Before Niels Bohr
  • Before Max Planck
  • Before Sir Isaac Newton
  • Before Galileo Galilei
  • Before Johannes Kepler
  • Before Tycho Brahe
  • Before Nicolaus Copernicus
  • Before ...
  • Before Aristotle
  • Before Plato
  • Before Socrates
  • Before Empedocles
  • Before ...
  • Before Job
  • Before...

Get the picture?

Before all, God already knew everything! None of their "discoveries" have surprised Him!