Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It was Miraculous!

Science as it exists now has no ability to determine how, or even when the universe was created because it was created miraculously! And, anything that is created miraculously gives the appearance of and shows evidence of having been created by natural processes in natural time sequences when observed with natural instruments. This evidence is ubiquitous and is present even in microscopic detail.

So, there is no scientific instrument or procedure that can reveal its true origin, because all scientific instruments and procedures are specifically designed to examine only natural entities, powers, and principles.

The universe WAS NOT created by natural processes. It was a miracle. If you don't believe it was a miracle, then why bother believing in a miracle working God? If you do believe the Bible, then you obviously must believe it was a miracle.

This truth will set your mind free! Distant star light is no problem for young earth creationists! We believe in miracles! No problem! We don't need to explain how God did it because WE CAN'T! When our arrogance gets to the place that we think we can explain "how" miracles work, we have left entirely the realm of reason.

There is no "science" that can explain the miracles of God! This is an obnoxious thought! If we can explain God in scientific terms, then we have become God and God has become a god.

Thank you Lord that you do work miracles!
